QUICK CONSIGN – Complete Waste Management Solution Software
Boosting Your Productivity & Increasing Profitability.
Paperless, flexible, efficient solutions for Waste Management.
Digital Waste Consignment Notes

Boosting Your Productivity & Increasing Profitability.
No more missing paperwork or illegible handwriting.
Say goodbye to paper, handheld devices enable
drivers to collect digital signatures.
Digital Waste Consignment Notes
Vehicles off the road?
Drivers stuck in traffic?
FWMS gives you the flexibility to
respond to changes effectively and efficiently.
Pay as You Go E-Consignment Tools

Digital Waste Consignment Notes

Pay as You Go E-Consignment Tools
How are you managing your waste tracking?
Keeping your documentation compliant?
FWMS offers is a digital solution offering complete waste tracking
Digital Waste Consignment Notes
No more time consuming data gathering
and reporting for your EA Returns.
Gather data in seconds.
Real Time Orders, Reports & KPI’s.
Pay as You Go E-Consignment Tools

Full Waste Management Solution Software
Waste Business System Automation
Discover how Quick Consign’s Full Waste Management platform can improve your processes..
Paperless – Handheld devices enable drivers to collect digital signatures
Time Saving – Never type the same information twice
Compliance – Track your waste from origin onto an outbound document
What are our customers saying about Quick Consign’s Waste Management Software?
What Our Customers Say
“Thank you to all at Quick Consign. As you know we moved into the business of cleaning up after removal of bodies and clearing needle sites eighteen months ago and while our knowledge of the cleaning and clearing was fine, the completion of consignment notes were a different matter (very much like plaiting fog). We are by no means your largest customer in fact probably the smallest, however, the service we have received from you has been exemplary. Our knowledge is still small, yet the volume of time that you have spent with us in this area has been great, it’s very much appreciated. Now we have our own bespoke Consignment and Duty of Care notes emailed directly to all the relevant people. All was put to the test yesterday when one of the customers performed due diligence on us and we had everything right. Thank you.”
Tony BDirector – Emergency Trauma Cleanup 24/7
“A couple of years ago we decided to go green. Well, we are in the Recycling industry. We wanted a company to create a paperless consigning process for our business. Finding the right partner for this was important. We looked at a number of companies and were pleased to have discovered the perfect partner in Quick Consign. They paid attention to what was needed. Quick Consign came up with the perfect program for our business and the great thing is they are continually looking to improve. Thanks to Quick Consign we are now issuing waste consignment notes to our customers using a program that is perfect for our needs.”
ChrisAdministrator – Associated Garage Services
“Betts have been using the Quick Consign platform for around 2 years now and I can honestly say that it was the best decision we made, our system was slightly different to the original platform but Rob and his team designed a bespoke platform for us which suited our needs. It was a seamless transition from paper to electronic and the guys at Quick Consign were very helpful. After the first initial training and demo it was very easy to use, it looks more professional when arriving at clients sites. There are no more lost tickets as they are emailed direct to the client also your admin team can see the status of each collection. Easily export to the Environment Agency monthly returns. I would recommend Quick Consign to any waste disposal companies.”
AdrianOffice – Betts Metals
“We moved from paper consignment notes to Quick Consign’s digital version around 18 months ago. Before the switch, we lost a vast amount of hours every month, entering and scanning consignment notes on to an old database. Now using Quick Consign, our customers receive completed consignment notes on the day, with the click of a button. Time spent completing returns has also been massively reduced and all of the data is available easily on a cloud based system. We would never go back to the old system that we used, Quick Consign have been a breath of fresh air for us as a company. They provided initial training so that we were ready from the start with ongoing support, if ever needed. Thank you to all involved at Quick Consign, we look forward to using our saved time as efficiently as possible.’”
Sam WOffice Administrator – Associated Reclaimed Oils
“The team at QC are fantastic and second to none. They are always on hand to chat and understand our needs. QC has helped us streamline our Consignment Note process and increase our compliance along the way. Our customers also love QC as it offers real-time notifications of collections and disposals. As a result we now have a reduced amount of calls to our admin team relating to those issues and chasing paperwork.”
AdamHead of Compliance – Anonymous
Full Waste Management Software Solution
Business System Automation
Store unlimited waste streams as templates, ready to be added to consignment notes.
KPI’s outlining key business analytics for instant business understanding at any moment.
Assess and record key elements of expected and collected waste streams. Set review dates for technical assessors. Generate a report capturing all data.
Log and record potential client enquires. Progress to a quote in 1 click.
Advanced risk assessment and hazard template area.
Store unlimited waste streams in bespoke storage locations mimicking your physical yard. Storage repots and alert service included.
Create unlimited products, product groups and price brackets. Move products on Control Forms or Transport Conveyance Notes.
Assign user(s) to assess and sign off consignment notes, control forms and invoices.
Record wait times, delivery times and delays. Use mandatory demurrage to make sure every time is recorded. Generate a demurrage report for all jobs in 1 click.
Upload images, certificates & associated job documents throughout the whole platform.
Hazardous, Non-Hazardous, SEPA, NIEA and Annual Waste Transfer Notes Streamline your workload with stored waste streams, customers, disposals and cloning tools throughout QC. Analytic dashboard with useful data and KPI’s outlining key business analytics.
Your customers can log into the portal to access their notes, generate reports, request collections, and more.
Create and save Hazard Labels against each waste stream to generate required labels for any job with 1 click.
Create pending, declined & accepted quotes. Progress to a Consignment or Control Form in 1 click.
Create unlimited caveats. Store caveats against waste streams or drag and drop onto consignment notes.
Track your waste through plant treatment and record new waste streams derived from the original waste.
Record product movements easily on QCs digital Control Forms. Create and store unlimited products and price groups ready to be applied to a control form.
Create bespoke vehicle check lists and have the ability to make them mandatory for your drivers each morning.
The ability to separate a business into multiple divisions. Restrict users views to certain divisions.
Stay organised and bundle together an array of different documents.
Instant Data Reports, including Environment Agency quarterly returns, total waste export, customer activity reports and many more
All jobs automatically populate your QC calendar. Add ad-hoc events anytime. Schedule repeat business with ease with our consignment or carrier.
Create and save ADR Labels against each waste stream to generate required labels for any job with 1 click.
Raise invoices for consignment notes and control forms in 1 click. Use the bulking feature to consolidate many invoices into a single invoice.
Easily compare waste streams for inconsistencies and raise an NCR report in 1 click.
Record waste leaving storage and onward to its final destination.
Record movements of products when multiple drivers and vehicles are involved.
Create equipment checklists for drivers. Prevent drivers accessing their jobs until equipment checklist is complete and signed.
Create unlimited assets and attach asset movements to any type of job.
All of the above, plus much more! Optional driver app for offline working.
Paperless Administration. Real Time Orders, Reports and KPI’s
Customer Service
Business Efficiency
Operations Management
Intelligent Reporting
Asset Tracking
Complete Flexibility

Hazardous Consignment and Waste Transfer Note Software
Features Include:
Hazardous Consignment Notes
Non-hazardous Waste Transfer Notes
Reporting (including EA Returns)
Defect Reports
Calendar & Dashboard
Customer Portal
and more..
Hazardous Consignment, Waste Transfer Note and Financials Software
Features Include:
All of QC ONE plus..
Time Sheets
Control Forms/Job Sheets
Product Suite
Hazard Labels
and more.
Complete Waste Management Software Solution
Features Include:
All of QC ONE & QC PRO plus.
Enquiries & Quotes
Storage & Treatment
Outgoing Waste
Risk Assessments & Method Statements
INCR Reports
Division Splitter
and much more