Quick Consign – FAQs

Helping boost productivity and increase profitability through streamlining
operations for the waste recycling industry via innovative software solutions.

Full Waste Management Software Solution

Business System Automation

What is Quick Consign?

Quick Consign is a bespoke digital waste management platform that simplifies the management of digital hazardous and non-hazardous consignment notes. Designed to transform the way waste industry professionals create, sign, and manage their hazardous and non-hazardous waste documentation.

QC has evolved into a cradle to grave software solution covering everything from enquiry to invoicing, product movements to vehicle maintenance, risk assessments to  waste storage/treatment, and absolutely everything you can think of in-between. To learn more about the plethora of features  click here 


Why is waste management software so Important?

There is no simple answer here, waste management software is important for a whole host of reasons – right now more than ever. Mandatory Digital Waste Tracking is being introduced by the Environment Agencies in 2025, and with good reason. Running your business through a waste management software such as Quick Consign not only streamlines processes, but is much more secure, and is in real time. Quick Consign is also 100% paperless – because why should businesses in the waste industry create any more waste?!

Why does my business need waste management software?

Technology has improved exponentially in recent years, applying new tech can help companies manage their waste movements in real time. Data stored within the cloud presents many benefits for users, such as rich KPIs and reporting features. Quick Consign helps companies gain a complete overall picture of the day to day running of a business.

Why does my business need digital consignment notes?

The benefits of using a digital consignment system such as Quick Consign are vast, here are just a few:

No more lost paper documents

Access to all notes in a couple of clicks

No more unreadable handwriting

Date & timestamp signatures

Real time coloured status updates

Move notes from driver to driver in seconds

Streamline many processes

No more retaining paper copies for 3 years

Consignment Notes are instantly emailed to all parties.

Why is a consignment note issued?

A Consignment note must be issued for the movement of any hazardous waste. The Consignment Note is one part of the control system for hazardous waste.

Non-hazardous waste movements should be recorded on Duty of Care documents, also available on Quick Consign.

What are consignment notes and why are they so important?

Consignment Notes are required documents needed for the transfer of any hazardous waste. Consignment Notes outline all of the important details about the waste movements and allow all involved in the waste movement to understand the makeup and requirements of the waste. Moving hazardous waste without a consignment note is dangerous, illegal and can result in huge penalties from the Environment Agency.

How long do you keep hazardous waste consignment notes?

The minimum amount of time you have to keep hold of Consignment Notes is 3 years to meet the Environment Agencies regulations. Storing pieces of paper for 3 years? Go digital and have them on the cloud!

How many copies of the consignment note are required?

There is a minimum need of 3 copies of each consignment note. One for the waste producer, one for the waste carrier, and one for the disposal site. All parties involved with the transfer of waste need this document to meet the Environment Agencies regulations.

Who issues the consignment note?

Any person involved in the waste movement (waste producer, waste carrier, waste disposal or waste broker) can provide the Consignment Note. Most commonly it is down to the waste carrier to provide this paperwork.

How is a consignment note different from a waste transfer note?

Consignment Notes are required for transferring hazardous waste whereas Waste Transfer Notes / Duty of Care Notes are required for transferring non-hazardous waste.

Who needs a waste transfer note?

The waste producer, waste carrier(s) and disposal point all need a copy of the Waste Transfer Note and must retain this for 2 years.

What should a waste transfer note contain?

There are many details required for a Waste Transfer Note, click here to read the government guidance. 

When is a waste transfer note required?

Waste transfer notes (WTN) are required for moving non-hazardous waste – with the exception of some domestic waste movements that do not require a WTN.

WTN’s can cover one transaction, or can sometimes run for up to 12 months covering multiple transactions – these can be referred to as ‘annual WTN’s’ or ‘season tickets’, Quick Consign can create any type of Waste Transfer Note. 

How long do waste transfer notes need to be retained?

The minimum amount of time you have to keep hold of the waste transfer notes is 2 years. 

Storing pieces of paper for 2 years? Go digital and have them all on the cloud!

Who provides a waste transfer note?

Any person involved in the waste movement (waste producer, waste carrier, waste disposal or waste broker) can provide the Waste Transfer Note. Most commonly it is down to the waste carrier to provide this paperwork.

How would this benefit my customers?

Quick Consign instantly emails documents straight to your customers keeping them 100% compliant. They can also benefit from our customer portal where they can log in at any time and have access to all of their documents, run reports, request collections and more.


What is the sign-up process like and how long does it take?

Once you decide to come on board with Quick Consign we can have you set up and ready to go in as little as a day. We will complete a bulk upload of all of your data (users, customers, disposals and waste streams) to ensure that you are ready to go right away. Full training is provided through our video library and live training sessions at your convenience.


What if my driver loses signal?

The Quick Consign driver app allows for offline working, a driver simply downloads his notes at the beginning of the day and then can work all day long whether they do or do not have an internet connection


Which subscription level is best for my business?

We have 3 different subscription levels to ensure that Quick Consign is accessible for all business models. 


QC ONE – is perfect for a company wanting to streamline the creation and storage of Consignment/NIEA/SEPA/Waste Transfer Notes and benefit from rich data reporting and visual KPI’s. 


QC PRO – is great for a company that also needs a solution for streamlining the invoicing process. QC PRO includes many other features such as control forms (job sheets), product suite, vehicle defect reports, and driver timesheets. 


QC WMP – is an entire cradle to grave solution – ideal for waste transfer stations. It holds an impressive storage module for real time understanding of exactly what is in your yard and where. Some of the extra features that QC WMP users can benefit from are enquiries, quotes, NCR reports, demurrage, transport conveyance notes, caveats, divisions, risk assessments and method statements.

My EA Returns take forever, could Quick Consign help?

Absolutely. With Quick Consign you can easily complete your EA Returns in minutes. QC has an intelligent built in report specifically for EA Returns, it gives you exactly what you need. Nothing more, nothing less.